Press / Blog


Becoming A Non-Executive Director

Becoming A Non-Executive Director

We are living through challenging times, never charted before. Covid-19 has turned the world upside down, creating many new problems and issues to be dealt with. But It could well be a time of great...

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Challenges Currently Facing SME’s

Challenges Currently Facing SME’s

Small and medium-sized companies are the bedrock of our economy, bringing so many important benefits to our society. Many face challenges at the best of times but today with the country’s economy...

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Executive Job Search

Executive Job Search

In these difficult times, many Executives are thinking about their next challenge and whether this should be in another company. For some this is a bigger problem than it would seem since for a...

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Fairness for Small Business Owners

Fairness for Small Business Owners

The Government, and in particular the Chancellor, has responded with a huge package of financial support for businesses during the pandemic. That is with the notable exception of the small business...

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We’re all in this together

We’re all in this together

The current crisis in the UK has shown how much we all depend on each other. The doctors, nurses,  paramedics and other workers in the NHS have given remarkable and brave support to those that are...

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Cashflow Management in Difficult Times

Cashflow Management in Difficult Times

Amongst the most critical factors that lead to company challenges for small and medium-sized companies is cashflow management. It’s possible to be very profitable on paper but experience financial...

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Working From Home

Working From Home

  Over recent years an increasing number of people have started to work from home. Today with the problems of coronavirus and self-isolating the need for home working is so much greater. As...

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Should We Change Job Frequently?

Should We Change Job Frequently?

The days of a lifelong career in one company has by and large gone. Advancement today is often achieved by moving to a new role in a different company. The question arises as to how frequently...

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February 2020

Ken joined the Not Actively Looking webinar panel, chaired by Anthony Harling to discuss how best to get yourself boardroom ready.