


I was fortunate enough to meet Ken about 10 months ago and have benefited tremendously from his coaching. We have had 12 coaching sessions since that time. Ken started by helping me to identify the goals I was envisioning and worked with me to arrange my thoughts into an organized and manageable set of achievable goals to execute. He is excellent at helping to bring out and clarify issues as well as helping clients formulate potential solutions. Ken brings into his sessions decades of first-hand experience from highly successful areas of his own life. One of the areas that I find Ken to be extremely valuable is his effectiveness as a coach. Another important aspect of working with Ken is the level of comfort one feels when dealing with him. Ken made me comfortable and at ease right out of the gate. In just a few sessions I have improved my decision-making skills and making life-altering positive choices in both personal and business with a focus on overall wellbeing.

AA Medical Doctor

I started coaching sessions with Ken after I became unhappy and stressed, both at work and at home. My time spent with Ken was invaluable; he helped me organise my thoughts with the questions he brought to our meetings.  By the end, I was able to evaluate what is important to me and whether I am willing to make the sacrifices needed to achieve what I want in life.

Ken has an upbeat manner and a very positive attitude. He has the ability to make you feel at ease when discussing sensitive issues. Thanks to him I now feel more confident about myself and my abilities.

FI Senior Executive, Multinational Fund Manager

I have had 6 sessions with Ken, all of which have helped me understand some key areas of development to focus on and agree what goals I think I need to achieve to help improve my situation. We started from an opening position where Ken looked to understand what’s important to me from both a work and personal perspective. We then talked about what development areas / goals I would like to focus on and in each session Ken helped me articulate what actions I think I should take to move things forward.

I initially identified 3-4 problem areas / goals and through further discussions with Ken, I managed to narrow it down to 2 key items I wanted to focus on. These items were: looking for opportunities to develop my ability to perform public speaking; and also how I could improve my engagement with the banks at senior level.

Through my conversations with Ken I managed to identify actions at the end of each session relevant to the issues I was trying to resolve and I would then report back at the next session on how I had got on. We would then review where we were, I would talk about what I had learnt and we agreed once again the next steps.

The conclusion was that I had become fairly complacement about the goals I was trying to achieve and Ken helped me re-focus on what was important and by the end of it I had successfully performed two public speaking events and had developed opportunities to start to improve my senior engagement across the company’s customer base.

Ken has a very warm, engaging and open manner that made me feel very comfortable from the start of our engagement. His questioning effectively led me to some very meaningful actions to help me achieve the goals I set myself. Ken has a very broad business experience at an extremely senior level, and this meant Ken had significant knowledge that he could draw upon to help guide and support me through his questions.

JB Senior Executive, Major IT Co

I have started my coaching with Ken and as a result of his questioning I have managed to resolve more clearly my overall objective and importantly why I want to achieve that objective. It’s been quite interesting how quickly Ken has related to me and seems to understand what I’m trying to achieve. He has helped me to set specific challenges whilst working towards my long term goal.

Ken has an easy style, very open but at the same time asks some challenging questions. I think his business background together with his personality has made me feel relaxed and comfortable to talk with him.

Even at this early stage, I would have no hesitation in recommending him to others.

LR-H on setting up a new fashion business

From my first session with Ken I felt incredibly comfortable. He has a very personable nature, so when discussing career objectives and the difficulties I had been having in my current workplace, it felt like a much easier conversation to have.

With Ken’s help, I have been able to finally take the next step in my career and have the confidence to go out and learn the skills that I will need for my next role; for example I am now learning a new language so, in future, I will be able to work for a company with a global market and will have the skills to be able to connect with that market.

Before the sessions with Ken I knew where I wanted to be in five years but was not sure how to get there. Ken was incredibly insightful and patient in helping me map my journey towards my end goal.

MH Executive with a Major Financial Services Company


The sessions really helped me think more broadly about my career options and the strategic plan to get to my next opporunity, plus which companies would be most likely to need and offer my skill set.

All of the above in addition to Kenneth being a thoroughly decent human being.

NS Chief Operating Officer, Recruitment Firm

I started working with my coach Ken Andrews when I was looking to review my career goals and set a long term goal and some short-term milestones.

In this context, Ken was extremely helpful in helping me to think through and clarify the issues by listening and asking questions for me to consider in my thinking, which enabled me to set and start to achieve my goals. Ken was also very helpful in constructively questioning my thinking so I could refine my goals and objectives as we progressed.

Ken is very easy to work with – he is open, warm and engaging which means I felt able to be open and share my goals and thinking. Ken put in place the right amount of structure to the sessions which meant it was very easy to maintain focus and remain on track.

I really enjoyed working with Ken and found him very comfortable to work with. He is very strong at creating the right environment and tone for coaching sessions.

The impact of the coaching sessions meant I was abe to set an overall goal and objectives and start to achieve these which has given me the impetus and structure to keep working to my long term objective.

KT-B Director, Facilities Management Company