Report Writing

All businesses have to prepare reports for important groups of people. Whether it’s a departmental report for the board or a business plan/proposal for the bank, well written reports are critical in ensuring the recipients have a clear understanding of what is being proposed and to see the advantages and challenges. Clear, easy to understand documents, whilst focusing on the proposition are essential if the report is to get a good reception. Sometimes, being so close to an issue leads to difficulty in writing a document that is aimed at the recipient. It can be difficult to overcome a mental block and sometimes it’s just a question of tweaking a report to get the best reaction.

As someone who has had three business books published and countless numbers of papers for journals and for speeches, I have an understanding of how to clearly present ideas in writing to the maximum effect.

If you would like support in the field of report writing why not contact me  at or call me on 07710 488282.